L’Ape musicale

rivista di musica, arti, cultura


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Completely under the sign of the discussion and renewal of the core repertoire Bogdan Roščić presents his first season at the Vienna State Opera: In ten premieres, ten operas that are absolutely essential in their own way, will be staged. The work on these projects is strongly influenced by the reintroduction of the position of the Music Director: Philippe Jordan is not only an essential part of the new artistic leadership team but will also stand on the conductor’s podium on many an evening – starting on the season’s opening night.

Apart from programming, the new management will focus above all on finding the right balance between music and stage design. For this reason, the management team will implement its plans for the first season together with the most important stage directors of the opera world. This will be the first time for nearly all of them to be working at the Wiener Staatsoper. Due to the unusually high number of premieres, several of their already iconic, style-defining productions will be reworked and added to the repertoire of the Vienna State Opera within one season.

In terms of the programme, the new management has set three focal points: Mozart, Wagner as well as those operas of the 20th century which have become true classics and which are like a bridge betweeen tradition and the compositions of our contemporaries. These three focal points will be reflected in each of the seasons for which the new management is responsible.

In parallel with the ten new projects, the Wiener Staatsoper is devoting itself to a series of revivals clearly identified as such. Apart from some of the most well-known names in the world of opera, many artists will be making their debuts this season, both vocally and on the conductor’s podium. Also returning to the house next season are familiar and important names such as Christian Thielemann, Franz Welser-Möst and Ber-trand de Billy.

The Vienna State Opera is meant for everyone. Therefore, opening the theatre doors to each and all will be the other major focus of the new management. One of these measures is the diligent continuation of the children’s opera programme, which will be promoted to a greater extent in the house itself. Mozarts »Abduc-tion« for children will be shown as a travelling theatre set at special places in the State Opera and Rossini’s »Barber of Seville« (sung in German) will be performed in the main house.

The 2020 / 21 season also marks the beginning of a new era for the State Ballet, with Swiss choreographer Martin Schläpfer assuming leadership of the company 


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