L’Ape musicale

rivista di musica, arti, cultura


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Key Points of the Security and Prevention Plan (as of 8June 2020)

Modified and significantly reduced due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Salzburg Festival will take place in compliance with the measures decreed by the federal government and additional, self-imposed security measures. The prevention plan will continuously be coordinated with the council of experts named above and the authorities, and will be adapted to any new developments. Current key points of the prevention plan for audience and staff are as follows:


  • General obligation to wear a facemask, except when seated duringaperformance

  • Active audience guiding to support compliance with the 1-metre distancing rule: amongother measures, the venues will be divided into sectors

  • In order to avoid larger agglomerations of people and thereby minimize the risk of infection, there will be

  1. a significant reduction in performance venues and events; instead of the 16 venues

originally planned, there will now be 8.

  1. a separation of admittance and egress. Unlike regular Festival summer practice, there will be no simultaneous events in the Festspielhäuser, in order to prevent

groups of visitors from meeting.

    1. no intervals and no catering as a generalrule.Since controlling queues outsideof bars or toilets would be very difficult, there will be no refreshments. This means that all the bars at the Festival’s venues will be closed, including before and after events.

  • Personalized tickets, enabling authoritiesto speed up contact tracing. Ticketpurchasers must show ID to the ticket-takers without being requested to do so.

  • Special measures of hygiene: these include disinfection stations at all points of entry and at neuralgic points, frequent cleaning of contact surfaces etc.

  • Significant reduction of seating, in keeping with distancing rules: as a matter ofprinciple, these are arranged in a chequerboard pattern. In areas with more than 1 metre distance to the seats behind them, other forms of seating allocation are being examined.

The audience will be informed via all the Salzburg Festival’s channels in detail and in due time before the Festival opens about the security measures then current and in place.

Artists / Staff

  • Significant modification and reduction of the rehearsal and performance schedule and the artistic and technical operations of the 2020 Salzburg Festival

  • Obligatory initial testing and submission of a certificate of health for all artists and temporary staff, dated no more than 4 days before they begin their work

  • Obligatory hygiene regulations and rules on wearing facemasks

  • Division into three groups with corresponding additional prevention measures:

Red Group

Stage performers who cannot comply with

PCR screening



distancing rules and cannot wear

Health log




Hygiene rules




Behaviour rules







Artists who can practice distancing in

Initial testing




Health log



Staff in contact with red group who can

Temporary facemasks


wear facemasks






prevention plan




Hygiene rules




Behaviour rules







Staff who can practice distancing at all times

Initial testing




Temporary facemasks








prevention plan




Hygiene rules




Behaviour rules








Instead of 200 events over the course of 44 days at 16 performance venues, there will now be 110 events over 30 days at 8 venues. We will endeavour to postpone all the productions of the centenary programme which cannot be shown in 2020 to the summer of 2021. The anniversary programme will commence with the opening of the State Exhibition at the end of July 2020 and only end next year, on 31 August 2021.


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