L’Ape musicale

rivista di musica, arti, cultura


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Tickets 2020

Earlier this year, the Festival was pleased to register a new record in ticket sales. 180,000 tickets worth 24.5 million Euros had been sold by the beginning of March 2020. The modified programme with dates that have nearly all been changed and its reduced number of events now forces the Festival to reverse its entire ticket sales operations. The Salzburg Festival aims to make the reallocation of tickets transparent and comprehensible. Therefore, a procedure has been established, of which customers have already been informed.

General Ticket Sales Rules:

  • Absolute priority for guests who originally held tickets.

  • In principle, a limit of 2 tickets per purchaser for each staged opera or drama production.

  • General ticket sales will therefore only begin on 13 July.

The Current Plan and its Phases:

  1. Offering Phase from 15 June to 26 June

Customers who had purchased tickets for the Salzburg Festival events originally scheduled will receive a new offer which is tailored as closely as possible to their original purchases and adapted to the new programme. This offer can be accepted by 26 June at the latest, after which it will lapse and the tickets go back on sale. Of course the customer’s claim for refunds for tickets already purchased which have now been cancelled remains unaffected if the offer is rejected.

      1. Direct Sales Phases

Those tickets remaining after the initial offering phase will be offered for purchase in several steps, subject to availability:

    • Starting on 29 June: Friends & Supporters of the Salzburg Festival

    • Starting on 6 July: Regular customers who purchased tickets for cancelled performances

    • Starting on 13 July: General ticket sales for those who had not yet purchased tickets for the 2020 Salzburg Festival.

Unfortunately, advance orders cannot be accepted.

Tickets Issued

Originally: 242,373 tickets

Now: approximately 80,000 tickets

Ticket Prices

  • Unchanged, ranging from 5 Euros to 445 Euros

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