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Otello a Madrid

Otello, da Shakespeare a Verdi

Il programma di sala


Tredici recite di Otello dalla prima del 15 settembre alla presenza della famiglia reale fino al 3 ottobre in una nuova produzione del Teatro Real in collaborazione con The English National Opera e The Royal Swedish Opera, per la direzione di Renato Palumbo e la regia di David Alden.

Otello sarà portato in scena da due compagnie: protagonisti Gregory Kunde e Alfred Kim nel ruolo eponimo, Ermonela Jaho e Lianna Haroutounian come Desdemona.

La mostra ‘The birth of Verdi’s Otello: a look into the Archivio Storico Ricordi', promossa da Bertelsmann, avrà luogo contestualmente alle recite dal 15 settembre al 3 ottobre.

La recita del 24 settembre verrà trasmessa in diretta mondiale gratuita dalla piattaforma del Teatro Real: Palco DigitalPotrà inoltre essere seguita da RTVE.es (media partner della produzione), The Opera Platform (Opera Europa), Shakespeare Lives (British Council) e ARTE Concert (canale ARTE). 

Nella stessa data l'opera sarà trasmessa, sempre in diretta e gratuitamente, su maxischermi installati in luoghi strategici a Granada, Murcia, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Valladolid e Chinchón, e in importanti musei, istituzioni culturali e auditorium in Spagna. 

Approfondisci: in english



Il programma di sala

13 performances of Otello until October 3rd: new production of Teatro Real, co-production with The English National Opera and The Royal Swedish Opera, conducted by Renato Palumbo and directed by David Alden.

Otello is performed by two casts, starring Gregory Kunde and Alfred Kim in the title role, Ermonela Jaho and Lianna Haroutounian as Desdemona.

The exhibition ‘The birth of Verdi’s Otello: a look into the Archivio Storico Ricordi', sponsored by Bertelsmann, from September 15th through October 3rd during the performances.

On Sunday, September 24 the performance will be live broadcast, free and for everyone in the world through the online platform of Teatro Real: Palco DigitalYou can also follow the live transmission on RTVE.es (co-producer of the audiovisual production), The Opera Platform (Opera Europa), Shakespeare Lives (British Council) and ARTE Concert (canal ARTE). 

On the same day the Opera will be retransmitted, live, on free outdoor screens installed in emblematic venues of Granada, Murcia, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Valladolid y Chinchón, and important museums, cultural institutions and auditoriums throughout all of Spain.



A monographic course on Otello, conferences, colloquiums, films and concerts complete the cultural and artistic proposals of Teatro Real in collaboration with other institutions about the masterpiece of Verdi.

September 15, Teatro Real opens the 2016/2017 Season with a new production of Otelloby Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), a co-production with English National Opera, were it premiered with amazing reception in September 2014 , and The Royal Swedish Opera that presented the opera in March 2015.

As can be seen in the exhibition The birth of Verdi’s ‘Otello’: a look at Archivio Storico Ricordi”, this masterpiece was born thanks to the skill and perseverance of the great publisher Giulio Ricordi (1840-1912), which over several years persuade a retired Verdi, to start again his operatic creativeness, which he abandoned after the premiere of Aida in El Cairo in 1871.


With this staging, so powerful dramaturgically, American director David Alden had chosen to emphasize the internal conflict of Otello, whose warlike character hides an enormous insecurity which makes it vulnerable to the evil conspiracy of Iago. A ruined and dark Mediterranean city created by the designer Jon Morrell accentuates the terrifying atmosphere of the Shakespearean drama that Verdi magnified and universalized.



The choir Pequeños Cantores de la Comunidad de Madrid, directed by Ana González, and the Coro Titular del Teatro Real, under the direction of the chief conductor, Andrés Maspero will perform, once again, next to theOrquesta Titular del Teatro Real conducted by Renato Palumbo.




Following the successful broadcasting of I Puritani, on July 14, that reached 7.3 million people in different channels like webs sites, social network, museums, auditoriums and open spaces in Spain and Latin America, etc; Teatro Real offers again the possibility to enjoy Otello in a live or recorded broadcast, free of charge, worldwide, with the active participation of several cultural institutions and municipalities.

In this occasion, besides the live broadcast in museums, cultural centers, town halls and auditoriums throughout Spain, screens will be installed outside Madrid, in important venues of Granada, Murcia, Sevilla and Valladolid, bringing opera to the street in a joyful and relaxed atmosphere.

In Latin American the broadcast of September 24 will be offered on September 30 in emblematic venues inMexico, Chile, Colombiaand Venezuela.

Also, from Teatro Reala free, live, worldwide broadcast in Palco Digital and other national and international platformsfor thestreamingof Otello to an increasingly diversified public.

RTVE, co-producer of the audiovisual production, will offer the opera on its website RTVE.esThe Opera Platform, an online platform created by OPERA EUROPA, which began operating with the international broadcasting of La traviatafrom Teatro Real, in 2014, issued the first and last opera of this season: Otello and Madama Butterfly. Also ARTE ConcertARTE channel, and Shakespeare Lives, of British Council, will join the broadcast of Otello.



In the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and the Bicentenary of Teatro Real, the new production of Otello, links the name of Verdi and Shakespeare will live broadcast for 140 countries in the audiovisual platforms Shakespeare Lives, on the websites of British Council centers worldwide and in theatres like theShakespeare Theatre de Gdansk (Poland) o el National Theatre in Romania.

The unique collaboration between the British Council and Teatro Real will continue in the future with a series of projects covering the digital enterprise, the audiovisual and education sector.





Presentation to the public for the the exhibition ‘The birth of Verdi’s Otello: a look into the Archivio Storico Ricordi'

Colloquim with Pierluigi Ledda, General Director of  Archivio Storico Ricordi, and Luis Gago, musicologist and critic

September 13, at 8PM

Teatro Real. Sala Gayarre and Café de Palacio


Monographic course: About Verdi’s  ‘Otello’

By Gabriel Menéndez Torrellas

September 13, 20 & 22

Teatro Real. Sala Gayarre and orquestra room

Opera in cinema: La traviata, of Giuseppe Verdi

Conducted by Renato Palumbo and directed by David McVicar

September 18, 8M

Teatro Real. Auditorium

Conference: Shakespeare into romantic Opera: Verdi’‘Otello’ 

by Víctor Sánchez Sánchez

September 22 at 7PM

Museo del Romanticismo. Auditorium


Opera on the street: live broadcast of Otello

Opera will be broadcast, live, on free outdoor screens, and important museums, cultural institutions and auditoriums throughout all Spain

September 24, 8PM

Chamber Sundays

Soloists of Teatro Real Orquestra

September 25, 12PM

Teatro Real. Auditorium

Colloquium: Closing ceremony of the celebrations of the fourth centenary of William Shakespeare

November and December

British Council





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