L’Ape musicale

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Madama Butterfly at La Scala

Madama Butterfly radio broadcast

December 7th, h 18.00 (italian time)


World Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States (World of Work)

First Night on Rai Uno

On 7 December 1976 the cameras of the Italian broadcaster RAI brought Italians into the First Night at La Scala for the first time: on stage was Verdi’s Otello conducted by Carlos Kleiber and directed by Franco Zeffirelli, with the voices of Plácido Domingo and Mirella Freni. Since then, RAI and Teatro alla Scala have collaborated to raise Italians’ awareness of the extraordinary heritage of melodrama. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of this collaboration, the First Night returns live on Rai Uno. As every year, RAI will also curate the live broadcasts at San Vittore Prison, in several Italian theatres and in cinemas all around the world.

Other delayed broadcast by RAI 5

Madama Butterfly will be broadcast live by:

ART CHANNEL: France and other French-speaking countries)
ZDF Germany, Austria and other German-speaking countries

RTP Portugal
ČESKÁ TELEVIZE: Czech Republic
MTVA: Hungary

RSI: Switzerland

Delayed by:

NHK TV Japan

The première extended: Madama Butterfly in the city

On the occasion of the Feast of Sant’Ambrogio 2016, the programme of preparatory activities returns for the First Night at La Scala promoted by the Municipality of Milan and Edison together with Teatro alla Scala. [look in the italian text]

The Butterfly effect in Lugano

Preparations are underway for the live performance of Madama Butterfly on 7 December at the Cinema Lux in Lugano - the LAC and the magazine Cultweek in collaboration with the Swiss National Broadcaster RSI and with the support of the Friends of La Scala in Lugano. The schedule will be announced later.




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