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Two ballet interludes on Johann Strauß and Josef Strauß:

Choreography by José Carlos Martínez, costume design by Christian Lacroix

The two dance performances of the New Year's concert ballet, traditionally produced by the ORF, which can be seen as part of the TV concert broadcast, were developed at the end of August 2020. Ten soloists from the Vienna State Ballet danced the choreographies in the magnificent rooms and facilities of the Liechtenstein Garden Palace and in the so - called Looshaus – one of the central buildings of Viennese Modernism, created by Adolf Loos. As in the previous year, the choreography was developed by the Spanish José Carlos Martínez. The costumes for both ORF ballet pieces were designed by the French fashion designer Christian Lacroix for the third time – after already having done so in 1998 and 2000. The soloists danced to Josef Strauß Margherita Polka , op. 244, which up until now has never been performed during the New Year's concert. The dancers Alice Firenze, Sveva Gargiulo, Ketevan Papava, and Davide Dato were asked to per form to this magnificent piece. The second ballet choreography was performed for the waltz Frühlingsstimmen(Voices of Spring) , op. 410 , by Johann Strauß Sohn. To this, four couples Liudmila Konovalova and Denys Cherevychko, Ketevan Papava and Roman Lazik, Alice Firenze and Masayu Kimoto, and Eszter Ledán and Zsolt Török performed. Concert director Henning Kasten was also asked to direct these fantastic per formances for the third time.




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