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The Musical Association "The Village of the Music"banishes

20th  International Lyric Competition "Ottavio ZIINO" ROME 2021

Rome, from 3rd to 5th  September 2021

Enrollment by 4th July 2021

International Opera Competition Ottavio ZIINO: A launching trampoline

For 20 years in Rome, the Associazione Il Villaggio della Musica has been organizing the “Ottavio Ziino” International Opera Competition, dedicated to the illustrious Sicilian conductor and composer, sensitive to young musicians.

Competitors will be able to participate in the Eliminatory Rounds of the "Ottavio Ziino" International Opera Competition in two ways:

• In attendance at these Theaters:

  • 15th July 2021 at the Teatro Real in Madrid (Spain)
  • 16th-17th-18th July 2021 at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan (Italy)
  • 24th July 2021 at the Petruzzelli Theater in Bari (Italy)
  • 27th-28th-29th July 2021 at the "Ennio Morricone" Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome (Italy)
  • 2nd August 2021 at the Wielki Theater Theater - Polish National Opera in Warsaw (Poland)


• by sending 2 Videos (one of which in Italian language)

For register click here https://ilvillaggiodellamusica.it/modulo-iscrizione-ottavio-ziino

The Competitors selected in the Eliminatory Rounds will play the Semifinals on 3rd and 4th September 2021, while the selected Finalists will compete on 5th September 2021 at the Gala Concert;

The Semifinals and the Final will be held in ROME at the "Ennio Morricone" Auditorium Parco della Musica Viale Pietro de Coubertin

The Ottavio Ziino International Lyric Competition offers young opera singers the opportunity to present themselves in the presence of a competent and selected jury that allows them to have international visibility.

The Competition “Ottavio Ziino” counts among its winners Jessica Pratt, Marina Rebeka, Luciano Ganci, Angela Nisi, Valentina Mastrangelo, Claudio Sgura, Simone Piazzola, Sandra Pastrana, Jurgita Adamonyte, Francesco Castoro, Veronica Simeoni, Lance Ryan, Antonio Poli, Sofia Soloviy, Anna Pennisi, Min Ji Kim , Damiana Mizzi, Laura Verrecchia, Giuliana Gianfaldoni, Adriana FerfeckaMartina Gresìa, Francesca Benitez, Victoriya Karkacheva, Natia Ivaniashvili and many others who are riding the most important theaters in the world.

This year the Jury will be chaired by M° Michele dall'Ongaro, Superintendent and President of the Accademia Nazionale S. Cecilia and composed of Artistic Directors of the following International Theaters:

JURY (Semifinal and Final phases)                                                  


Michele dall’Ongaro, President and Superintendent of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia (Italy)


• Massimo BISCARDI, Superintendent and Artistic Director of the Petruzzelli Theater in Bari (Italy)

• Irina CHERNOMOUROVA, Artistic Production Director, casting Bolshoi Theater in Moscow (Russia)

• Giuseppe CUCCIA, Consultant for Opera Productions China National Center for the Performing Arts of Beijing (NCPA) (China)

• Waldemar DABROWSKI, Director of the Wielki Theater - Polish National Opera in Warsaw (Poland)

• Sèrge DORNY, Artistic Director of the Munich State Opera Theater (Germany)

• Umberto FANNI, General Director of the Royal Opera House in Muscat (Oman)

• Jean-Louis GRINDA, Artistic Director of the Monte Carlo Opera Theatre (Principality Monaco of Monte Carlo)

• Joan MATABOSCH, Artistic Director of the Real Theatre in Madrid (Spain)

• Dominique MEYER, Superintendent of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan (Italy)

• Birgitta SVENDEN, Artistic Director of the Royal Opera House of Stockolm (Sweden)

• Peter THEILER, Direttore Artistico Semperoper di Dresda (Germany)

• Wally SANTARCANGELO, Artistic Director of the "Ottavio ZIINO" International Opera Competition (Italy)


• 1st absolute PRIZE Euros 10,000.00 "OTTAVIO ZIINO" Cup

• 2nd PRIZE female voice or falsettists Euros 3,500.00 "OTTAVIO ZIINO" plate

• 2nd PRIZE male voice or falsettists Euros 3,500.00 "OTTAVIO ZIINO" plate

• 3rd PRIZE female voice or falsettists Euros 1,500.00 "OTTAVIO ZIINO" plate

• 3rd PRIZE male voice or falsettists Euros 1,500.00 "OTTAVIO ZIINO" plate

• "Emerging Voice" Award Euros 1,000.00 "OTTAVIO ZIINO" Plate

*The emerging voice prize cannot be combined with the first three prizes of the competition

In case of non-assignment or non-accumulation, the prize will be converted and divided pro quota in the reimbursement of expenses


• Reimbursement of expenses to the Finalists who did not win the first three prizes and the emerging voice award € 300.00 each


• The Artistic Directors making up the Jury will assign scripts and/or opera roles and/or concerts for their own programs at their sole discretion

• Choice of the Cast of the edition of the Opera season in piazza 2022 in Massa Marittima (GROSSETO, ITALY) with free attendance of the preparatory Masterclass held by M° Anna Vandi

• Assignment of roles and Concerts for the Lazio Opera Circuit and in the "Cento Città in Musica" Concert Season


  • "Ottavio Ziino" CRITIC PRIZE of Euro 500.00 the Critics Jury chaired by Prof. Maria Adele Ziino-Pontecorvo, will be composed of Directors or editors of important international music magazines, music critics and professionals in the field of culture, music and entertainment that will take place at the Final Evening on September 5, 2021


  • Audience AWARD and plaque offered by the Cultural Association "Il Villaggio della Musica" to the finalist singer most appreciated by the public attending the Final Evening on September 5, 2021

The deadline for entries is July 4th 2021

Info: +393402487915  (whatsapp) Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.  www.concorsoottavioziino.com  www.ilvillaggiodellamusica.it




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