L’Ape musicale

rivista di musica, arti, cultura


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Our gratitude goes t o all supporters who have stood by the Festival, keeping their faith even during these difficult times. Without this commitment from the sponsors and private patrons, it would be impossible to present the modified 2020 Festival and to extend the centenary programme to 31 August 2021.



Audi has been a main sponsor of the Salzburg Festival since 1994 and has extended this partnership to 2022. It is particularly the long-term nature of this partnership which is essential for the Festival’s budget planning. The Festival is also deeply grateful to Audi for enabling it to have a continuous presence in China. Thanks to Audi, for the sixth time the Festival was able to promote visits to the Festival in Beijing in November 2019. On the occasion of the two anniversaries, the Festival’s centenary and the 25- year anniversary of the partnership, Audi enables Festival visitors to experience highlights of the Festival’s history in virtual reality on a tour of the city in an Audi e-tron.


Siemens was a project sponsor of the Festival from 1995 to 1998 and has been a main sponsor since 1999. The contract has been extended through 2021. Thanks to Siemens, the Festival is able to offer a range of performances free of charge that is unique throughout the world. Since 2002, the Siemens>Festival>Nights have been the largest public screening of classical music in the world. Approximately one million people have enjoyed screenings of Festival performances on Kapitelplatz, free of admission. Record numbers of visitors, a dazzling atmosphere and an intriguing programme make the Siemens Festival>Nights a fixture of the Salzburg Festival summer. The Siemens Children’s>Festival was added in 2008.


The Kühne Foundation has been a main sponsor of the Salzburg Festival since 2019, thereby expanding the successful partnership established in 2013. Thanks to the Kühne Foundation, the Salzburg Festival has been able to turn its Young Singers Project, founded in 2008, into a high- carat platform for talented young vocalists. 157 singers from 41 countries have used the YSP as a launch-pad for their careers during the past 11 years. For years, the YSP’s final concerts have been among the Festival’s most popular events.


Rolex’s commitment to the arts dates back to the 1970s when New Zealand soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa became the first cultural Testimonee. This commitment has developed to include many other leading artists, prestigious institutions and festivals. Among its brand ambassadors are Cecilia Bartoli, Jonas Kaufmann and Plácido Domingo. In 2012 Rolex became a partner of the Salzburg Festival. This meant that the Salzburg Whitsun Festival was enabled for the first time to present operas again. The Festival is particularly grateful to Rolex for its additional financing of a presence in prestigious media such as the Financial Times London and the New York Times. The partnership has been extended through 2027.


Project Sponsors finance projects which are artistically important but cannot be realized without additional financial help. Every year, the Salzburg Festival succeeds in winning sponsors from all over the world for new programming elements selected in advance by the Festival’s Artistic Director.

Nestlé, a faithful sponsor of the Salzburg Festival since 1991, has contributed significantly tothe Salzburg Festival’s internationalization through its contacts worldwide. In 2020 Nestlé will support the production of Richard Strauss’ opera Elektra as a project sponsor.

UNIQA has been an important partner for the Salzburg Festival since 2004. Conversely,support for youth programmes has been a fixed programme of UNIQA’s corporate culture. For many years the focus of this collaboration has therefore been on youth programmes. The company enables the Salzburg Festival to continuously expand its efforts in this field. The production of selected children’s operas, youth camps and accompanying events for children and teenagers is made possible thanks to UNIQA’s help. The contract has been extended through 2022.

In Raiffeisen Salzburg, the Salzburg Festival is happy to have acquired a new partner. Education, social responsibility, ecology, sports, but also culture are part of the corporate self-concept of the Raiffeisen brand. The idea of enabling the Festival to give the children’s and youth programme jung&jede*r as a gift to young Festival visitors during the anniversary year met with open ears at Raiffeisen. Part of the voluminous children’s and youth programme will take place throughout the extended centenary period from August 2020 to the autumn of 2021.

Solway Investment Group became a production sponsor ofLa clemenza di Titoin 2017;since 2018 the company bears the title of the ‘Sponsor of the Opera Camps’ and supports the Opera Camps for children and youth together with the Vienna Philharmonic and the Salzburg Foundation of the American Austrian Foundation. As a part of the Opera Camps sponsorship activities, Solway also runs a fellowship programme for young talents from economically challenged countries. Enthusiasm about the expansion of the children’s and youth programme led Solway Investment Group to extend its sponsorship though 2022.

OMV and Gazprom support many activities in the realms of sports and culture. Since 2016the two companies have had a bilateral partnership regarding culture, supporting exhibitions at Vienna’s Museum of Art History and the Eremitage, among others. For the 2020 centenary, both partners have agreed to be project sponsors of the Salzburg Festival. Since the opera Boris Godunov cannot be performed in 2020 for organizational reasons, this projectsponsorship will be implemented during the second year of the centenary, in 2021.

As a leader in helping the arts flourish across the globe, Bank of America has been a longtime supporter of opera productions at the Salzburg Festival. In 2016, the company dedicated itself to the Da Ponte cycle and was involved in the Mozart operas Così fan tutte, Don Giovanni and Le nozze di Figaro, followed by Wozzeck and Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District in 2017.More recently, Bank of America has been an important project partner for the operas theQueen of Spades, Les Pêcheurs de Perles, and the concert opera production Luisa Miller. Asa steadfast support of the arts worldwide, Bank of America’s support of the Salzburg Festival is an important part of the company’s commitment to grow responsibly while bringing value to economies, society and the communities they serve.

The Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) supports the Salzburg Festival for the first time as part of its centenary celebrations.


The Salzburg Festival thanks its Product Sponsors, who donate high-quality materials, thereby contributing essentially to the ‘total work of art’ the Festival is. Two of them shall be mentioned here:

For five years, Schlumberger and Champagne Louis Roederer have supported the Festival with sparkling wine and champagne.

The Salzburg Festival is also delighted to have a local partner, Salzburg’s Stiegl Brewery, donating its very popular beer and treating the Jedermann team to a special post-premiere party every year.


The Kia Ora Foundation was launched in 1997, with a primary goal to enable post-graduate study in musical performance and applied sciences; in addition it funds special projects involving international young artists.

The V-A-C Foundation enabled the Salzburg Festival to revive Romeo Castellucci’s production of Salome in 2019. V-A-C supports cultural productions which focus on contemporariness through new partnerships, forms and methods. The V-A- C Foundation’s contribution for 2020 will benefit a project in the Festival summer of 2021. The partnership has been extended by five years, through 2025.

In addition, we wish to thank the many private donors. First and foremost, these include Professor Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhold Würth, to whom Salzburg already owes a debt of gratitude for his contributions to the visual arts. He is also one of the great patrons of the Salzburg Festival. In 2020 his support is dedicated to the Ouverture spirituelle for the third time.

Special thanks are due to the members of the Golden Club and Silver Club and the approximately 6,500 Friends of the Salzburg Festival throughout the world. No other festival in the world has such a successful and faithful association of friends. It supports the Festival with a programming contribution and enables it to implement numerous additional projects.

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