L’Ape musicale

rivista di musica, arti, cultura


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All the illustrations of the 2020 programme leaflet are by Man Ray

The American photographer, film director, painter and object artist Man Ray is one of the most important protagonists of the inter-war avant-garde, whose photographs have become icons of modernism. In his work he continuously explored the female and male physique and its staging. The cover of our modified 2020 programme features a negative exposure of one of the most famous photographs ever: Man Ray’s Noire et blanche.

All works by Man Ray

  • Man Ray 2015 Trust /ADAGP – Bildrecht, Vienna – 2019

With kind permission of the Man Ray 2015 Trust

William Kentridge designed the logo ‘100 Jahre Salzburger Festspiele’

William Kentridge was born in Johannesburg (South Africa) in 1955 and has made an international name for himself through his drawings and films as well as drama and opera productions. Since the 1990s Kentridge’s works have been shown at museums and galleries all over the world. In 2017 he directed Alban Berg’s Wozzeck at the Salzburg Festival. Since 2014 his visualization of Schubert’s Winterreise with Matthias Goerne and Markus Hinterhäuser has been performed all over the world.




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